paddle | princeton Tec

behind the lens:


If you’ve ever studied color science, you know that blue and orange sit on opposite sides of the color wheel which makes them complimentary colors. Pairing these contrasting colors in a scene almost always looks good and is why so many Hollywood movies are color graded with teal and orange. However, it’s not everyday that you can capture these colors in the natural world.

For this project, we set out with paddle boards, fishing poles, and headlamps and pushed off into the evening as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Backlighting our subjects allowed us to create silhouettes which eliminates unnecessary details and focuses the viewer on the action in each photo. As darkness settled in, we turned the headlamps on to paddle back to shore and captured our subjects in front of some of Colorado’s finest mountain layers.


Climb | Bight Gear


Run | Princeton Tec